About Me

Hello! Welcome to my blog where I come to share reviews of products that are in depth and photo focussed! I love beauty, tattoos, art, painting, drawing, cats - honestly, I could go on forever!

I am an Endo Warrior - I suffer from Endometriosis, this might make its way into this space every now and again. If you also suffer from Endometriosis don't hesitate to get in touch! This illness can be super isolating.

I made the switch to cruelty free beauty to follow along with my transition of a vegan lifestyle! It is crazy overwhelming that a product as simple as a blush could not only be used on a harmless little animal just to enhance our appearance. 

I love sharing makeup looks, products I love (and don't like), reviews, makeup flatlays and the rest  on YouTube, Instagram and of course right here!

I hope you enjoy looking around Amanda Gregory Beauty and if you would like to contact me head to the Contact Me page to see how to get in touch.