MAC Pro Longwear Concealer - NC vs NW

21 April 2014

Hi everyone! If you, like me, love a bit of YouTube then you would already know that MAC Pro Longwear Concealer is a highly praised product! For ages I was using NW on my very NC skin because a lot of YouTubers claimed it "brightened" and "highlighted" better than using the same undertone as your own skin and foundation.

I have since seen the error of my ways and this is due to seeing myself in flash photography! If you are a yellow undertone, highlight with a yellow undertone, If you are a pink undertone, highlight with a pink undertone! I was using pink on my yellow skin because I believed that the pink tone would cover my dark circles better. In reality the pink tone was making my dark circles appear ashy and my highlighter always looked strange!

So on my NC25 - 30 skin, I now use NC20 to highlight under my eyes! I now use a light pink concealer (MAC Corrector in Pale Pink - Pro Product) and then NC20 on top, this is the only way that works for me, as I do need a corrector!

So please ladies, please please please, don't listen to everything you hear on YouTube! While something may look amazing on someone else - it might emphasise your problems haha! 

It's funny because the more pink toned concealer looks like it matches better in this photo! My skin leans an olive shade - so much so it is on the green side!

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